Inter RAO Group General Electric


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Social Responsibility

The company meets all international standards in the field of environmental and industrial safety, safety and health protection, employee development, and international community activities. Russian Gas Turbines Company works and develops in accordance with the following principles: Do what people really need and where they need. Do business with in respect the general national interests of the country and contribute to the development of its economy, assurance of stability and security. Use advanced...

For Students and Graduates

Qualified employees of our friendly team will help you to learn more about your future profession and to receive invaluable practical experience. Working in Russian Gas Turbines LLC for the senior students and recent graduates of IHLs is an excellent opportunity to fulfil their potential and to start building their career in the team of professionals. If you become a part of our team, you will be able to master high technologies and to take part in the implementation of large projects, applying...